Monday, March 29, 2010

Superior Blogspot SEO - Blogger SEO Tips 1

Lots of people are always going on about how superior Wordpress SEO, and on self-hosted Wordpress installations that is true, but compared to hosted systems, Google's blogspot system can easily outperform them and has many SEO advantages to my mind.
Over a little time I want to develop this blogspot blog into a half decent site full of superior blogspot blogger SEO tips. I will have to implement them on this site, and as I do I'll share them with you.
Tonight's is a "did you know" type Blogspot SEO Tip..
Did you know, you can email blog posts straight into blogger?
Well you can.. so you could set up say Google alerts to monitor, oh I don't know, say "Superior SEO.." when the competition are publishing new pages, and I don't knw, maybe change their anchored link to your own site in the email, maybe one that wiill automatically trackback at you? ..and mail it to your blog.
...quick easy free self-reinforcing and (almost) automatic content publishing, and entirely white hat..

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 2:40 PM
Subject: Google Alert - superior seo

Google Blogs Alert for: superior seo

Superior SEO - 2010
By high command
This is to be quelled ASAP, we now have orders to put down any / all homeland dissent with authorization to use as much SEO Power as required, up to and including lethal force i.e. tactical linkpower strikes & CQSEO SERP War Tactics as ...

and you also can see their veiled threats and laugh
Hey from NYC guys ;)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Superior SEO - Another Contender?

Hello my name is Jake and I am an SEO consultant based in New York USA.

I work at a large SEO consultancy but have been thinking about going solo for some time, and have been watching the term "Superior SEO" for nearly 3 years, as I originally wanted to call my company "Superior SEO Services. "

When I first looked at the Google search it was full of multi-domain spam from one individual, but since then several companies appear to be targeting it (a bit - although not very, in some cases) more seriously, so I thought I'd come and get involved.

It will be a test of ranking skills as much as anything, like an open-ended SEO competition of sorts, to see who in the words of several of the players has "the truly superior SEO"

May the best SEO win...